DA! FILMS shares its strong connections with production companies and creative talent aroundthe globe. We are open to collaborating with established partners and emerging talent. We are keen to connect with the creators and constantly search for a new experience.We welcome directors and cinematographers to work with us and grow the network together.Feel free to reach out whether you are a young director seeking representation or an experienced professional exploring the new markets for your next project.
Our team of creative talent is ready to fulfill any needs of even the most demanding clients.
We were born in Ukraine and became citizens of the world. Coming from famous Radioaktive film Ukraine, we have learned from real experience, earned big awards, and continue to work hard with our expanded production family.
Anna Buryachkova - Director
"Anna is a visionary artist who gets inspired by the characters through their sensuality. Anna's...
Daniel Rubinstein
Daniel is a Director, NFT Artist & photographer. She started her career in her early...
Valerie Phil - Director
Valerie began her career as a producer and has been learning from the best professionals...
Vlad Klimchuk
Vlad Klimchuk has been the highest-grossing movie director at the Ukrainian box office in the...
From the team of the inventors of the Oscar-winning “Russian Arm”, who then split from the competitor have designed and developed a series of the gyro-stabilized high-precision camera support products. Opertech proudly delivers the most trusted equipment to the most prestige productions all around the world. Among their designs that have a proven history of use are the gyro stabilized heads, telescopic camera cranes, cable cam systems. Opertech has been and official technical of the Eurovision contest for the last 5 years and continues to expand to US and Asia.
Snow Business
Snow Business Ukraine is a partner of DA! FILMS, specializing in physical effects. If you want drama, they will bring it. One should not underestimate the impact of the weather on camera. Snow business learned and started from the main headquarters in London, UK, and brought all the knowledge to Ukraine, becoming the industry leader since 2004. They welcome any challenges and offer creative solutions within any budget. All the physical effects — rain and snow, natural and artificial ice, fog and smoke, dust and wind — provide a truly realistic look, both on location and on screen.Â
Contact US
When it comes to any production needs, we are here to help. No task is too big or too small – we can handle it. Send us your inquiry and a brief explanation of your project, and we will make sure to find you the appropriate solution.
Thank you!